5 Matches
Community Room
Community Room
$50 an hour for business and social events, including for-profit businesses or individuals and private social functions
$10 an hour for nonprofits, including civic clubs, community organizations, churches, and not-for-profit organizations
Frank Fanning Conference Room
Frank Fanning Conference Room
Main Building
$15 an hour for business or private meetings, including for-profit businesses or individuals
No charge for nonprofits, including civic clubs, community organizations, churches, and other community groups
$10 additional charge will be assessed for...
Group Study Room
Group Study Room
Main Building
No charge for study groups or tutoring sessions
No charge for nonprofits, including civic clubs, community organizations, churches and other community groups
$10 an hour will be assessed for business or private meetings, including for-profit...
Study Room 2
Small Study Rooms
Main Building
Two rooms that seat 2 each
No charge for use
Available during library operating hours only.
Study Room 3
Small Study Rooms
Main Building
Two rooms that seat 2 each
No charge for use
Available during library operating hours only.